Here are some world leading clients' testimonials from ongoing projects across industries.


World's Leading Cloud Service Provider

 "前回の通訳について、他チームの意見も確認させていただいたのですがネガティブなフィードバックはありませんでした。ありがとうございます!" (June, 2021)


German E-Commerce Website Builder     

"Thank you very much for working with us today. You really did a great job, very well done! :-) We will definitely let you know when the next meeting with them comes up." (March, 2021)


World's Largest Ink Manufacturer  

"I took a poll about the last session contents, and regarding to the interpretation, everyone said it was excellent. Thank you!" (Jan, 2021)


Taiwan & Shanghai Design Firm

"Appreciate your help immensely and have a great weekend!" (June, 2019)


US & China Entertainment Company

"Thank you for your help today" (May, 2019)


US Dental Manufacturer

"I trust you to send the right message to get my meaning across. I really appreciate all of the help you have been giving me." (Aug, 2018)

Joomla SEF URLs by Artio
FaLang translation system by Faboba
