Company Name       Trilingual Inc

Establishment           April 2, 2014

Location                      3076-6 Nodutamachi, Machidashi, Tokyo, Japan

Capital                         2 Million Yen

Founder                       Lu Sun

Corporate Number    4011401017768

Invoice Number          T4011401017768

Services                          Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation (IR, technical, audit, international conference, escorting interpreter)

                 Languages (Japanese-English, Japanese-Chinese, English-Chinese)


Our Story

Trilingual Inc was established in 2014 following Lu's freelance career as a trilingual interpreter. 2019 marks the 10th aniversary of her professional career in this field.

We are a professional service firm.

Lu and her teammates directly cover all of English-Japanese, Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-English meetings.


Meet Our Founder

Lu Sun

Founder | Trilingual Interpreter

An active simultaneous interpreter specialized in three languages (Japanese, Chinese, and English).

Born in 1982 in Harbin, China, Lu grew up in Tokyo and studied in the States where she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration in University of Missouri – Kansas City. She returned to Tokyo in 2005 started her first job at Hitachi as an international sales and marketing expert for semiconductor business for 5 years. She then started her career as a freelance interpreter.

After learning that most interpretation companies are agencies, she decided to run a professional service firm to make interpretation directly available to international clients.

2010  Starting of freelance interpretation career

2013  Completed Japanese-Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation Program at ISS Institute

2014  Incorporated Trilingal Inc

2016  Completed Chinese-English Simultaneous Interpretation Summer Program at Beijing Foreign Studies University

          Completed English-Japanese Simulteneous Interpretation Course at Communicators

2019  Completed Japanese-Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation Program at Simul Academy


Meet Our Core Member

Kathleen Yin

 (Kathleen interpreting for ILO director Guy Rider and Chinese Vice Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Qiu Xiaoping in Geneva, 2014)

Core Member | English-Chinese Interpreter

With a Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation from the prestigious Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation, Beijing Foreign Study University, Kathleen worked for the International Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China as an in-house interpreter and translator for 7 years from 2008.

She has extensive experience in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for high profile ministerial level meetings and international conferences, such as the Annual Dialogue between the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China and the US Department of Labor. From 2009 to 2014, she served as a simultaneous Chinese-English interpreter for the Chinese delegates three times each year at the International Labor Organization’s Governing Body and International Labor Conference.

From 2012 to 2013 Kathleen studied at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo Japan, receiving a Master’s Degree in Public Policy.

In 2015 she moved from Beijing to Tokyo and began her career as a freelance conference interpreter, providing simultaneous/consecutive interpretation service to MNCs, governments, NGOs, and UN agencies in English, Mandarin and Japanese. Her major projects include AMAZON JAPAN, PFIZER, ASTRA ZENECA, ABBOTT, OLYMPUS, NIKON, FUJIFILM, YAMAHA MOTORS, MITSUBISHI, NISSAN, UNIQLO, SHISEIDO, CHANEL, SHU UEMURA, SKII, HITACHI, HITACHI CHEMICAL, DAIKIN, SOFTBANK, NISSAY, JAPAN COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, ALIBABA, TENCENT, LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL, the DANISHI EMBASSY IN BEIJING, etc. 

Kathleen is well-versed in a wide range of fields and disciplines, such as politics, economies, law, labor standards and relations, finance, IT, automobile, medical and pharmaceutical.

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