Here is a summary of our ongoing projects with world's leading clients across industries.


World's Leading Cloud Service Provider's IT Global Meetings

Languages: English-Japanese, English-Chinese

Services: Simultaneous Interpretation

Frequency: Once to a few times per month, Ongoing since Nov., 2020

German E-Commerce Website Builder's Meeting with Japanese Airport Operator

Languages: English-Japanese

Services: Remote Consecutive Interpretation

Frequency: One Time

World's Largest Ink Manufacturer's Global Technical Meetings

Languages: English-Chinese

Services: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation

Frequency: Once a month, Ongoing since Nov., 2020

Taiwanese Design Firm's Meetings with Japanese Artists

Languages: Japanese-Chinese

Services: On-Site & Remote Consecutive Interpretation

Frequency: Once a week, June, 2019 - June 2020

Chinese Entertainment Company's Meeting with Japanese Publishing Company

Languages: English-Chinese-Japanese

Services: Consecutive Interpretation

Frequency: One Time

US Dental Manufacturer's Meeting and Daily Correspondences with Japanese Medical Device Manufacturer

Languages: English-Japanese

Services: Consecutive Interpretation, Email & Phone Correspondence

Frequency: Once a week, Ongoing since Aug., 2018

We have been working with a world leading cloud service provider.

Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation is provided for Tokyo on-site global IT meetings on monthly basis.

Here is the client feedback:


 Service Interpretation
Interpreter Lu, Kathleen

Japanese-English, Chinese English

 Style Simultaneous

Once to Couple Times Per Month

Ongling since Nov. 2020

Place Tokyo, Japan
Topic IT Global Meeting
Industry Cloud Services
Joomla SEF URLs by Artio
FaLang translation system by Faboba